Something New and An App

Ok, so to be fair there hasn't been all that much going on around here lately. There was some obscure update about moving things away from a database type system on to flat files yet, no further updates. Yep well, don't get your hearts in a tizzy because this is far from a formal post.

Some plans moving forward though are as follows:

  1. Update the css to something far moah sexier these days, lets say sass. I write in SCSS (because it's new bitches!), none of that old .sass stuff...well sometimes.
  2. Fix this home page bullshit. Maybe I will kick the blog into it's own world and have some type of awesome, fairly un-ballsy welcome page for you all to sift through.
  3. Get Disqus fired up and working. If you work your way back through some past articles, Disqus pops up and seems to function here and there...I just need to lock it down.

Yep, that's it really. Oh the app, right! The boys (and presumably girls) from Tweetdeck have released a welcome update to their iPhone app. They claim it to be a complete re-write which, take it as you will, may or may-not be true. I spent a few minutes playing with it this afternoon and am quite impressed. The original app wasn't a deal breaker for the iPhone like it was the iPad, and apparently they are on track with updating the iPad version very soon. I wonder if they got the memo from Apple a couple of years ago describing the universal app availability?