Ruby Job of The Week

Ruby, Rails, and "micro-builders" like Sinatra are seeing a boon these days in the engineering world. Just a few days ago (er last night I guess) we had a going away party for a prominent Rails dev in town who is on their way to Living Social. As I was perusing through taskrabbit today I happened to see a rather cute sticky note that said they are hiring for a senior Rails engineer with 5k as a signing bonus! And to top off all this hiring madness, One of my favorite rails based companies: Engine Yard is on the lookout for an App Support Engineer with a heaping amount of Rails power.

The moral of all this money being thrown around the Rails community? Well, for anyone just getting into RoR and the Ruby world, there is plenty to look forward to. At the moment, I wish there was a way to supercharge my Rails ability so I could fit in at one of these places. Engine Yard would be incredible, the guys there are just plain insanely smart, Taskrabbit seems like a great place to work in SF (although they do seem to have a lot of Biz dev guys and gals over there), and LivingSocial is on a rocket ride with their recent capital from Amazon.

Go out there, learn some Rails and get yourself hired.