15 Days In

Yes-sir-ree-bob (I think that is how it is spelled) is the coveted, and prehaps much unanticipated mid-way-30-day challenge update. Avoiding much hoopla, let's get somewhat started.

To say that the experience hasn't been hard, would be fairly difficult. Depending who you are as an individual, you could easily find 30 minutes a day to bang out a somewhat short blog post. The hard part mentioned is making them coherent, funny, somewhat well-written and digestable. The real rub comes in the creation of the content though.

Being able to rifle out a few posts after a single brain storming session is far from difficult. Being able to consistently create content day after day is. If you don't open Vim (you ARE using vim right?) at the beginning of the day, then you are destined to waste a good amount of time at night floundering through an otherwise shitty post. This coupled with the above brain storming issue make actually writing a post every day, somewhat difficult. Not impossible though.

Having a plan for capturing post ideas on the fly (I utilize Omnifocus heavily for this task) and starting the writing early on will make the overall experience 100.times better. On the whole, the experience has been a combination of agony, happiness, bouts of uncontrollable smiling, and lots of equal (=) signs. Yep, that good.