Pencils, Like Panthers

Pencils are the panthers of the creative world (that's right, I said it). They silently lay there until something brilliant passes by. They are often overlooked for their ink staining brethren and even subject to extreme prejudice through insane feats of "over-engineering." However any sane man would agree, that the pencil is one of the most most interesting avenues to pull the scribbles of creativity from your brain to paper. I have even mentioned them several times here on this blrrg.

The problem inherent in pencils is that there are two damn many of them leading to a complete paralysis of choice. Do you pick up a simple number 2 wooden pencil, attempt to find an original Blackwing, or go fore a more complicated drafting pencil? After quite an exhaustive search for the perfect one, I have found myself with these three.

  1. Furst 2.0MM Clutch Drafting Pencil: This is hands down my favorite pencil and deserving of the first place on this list. It is well crafted, sturdy and can be disassembled, cleaned and reassembled with ease. Being a smaller pencil (half size) this isn't a pencil for someone who has "manly hands." However, paired with a good B lead, the results are impossible to get from any other pencil. With it's weighted feel and smooth clutch action, this pencil is well worth the 10 dollars.
  2. .5 mm Pentel Kerry: The Kerry was and is likely to ever be one of the most expensive pencils that I have ever purchased. However, it is often times difficult to find a mechanical pencil that doesn't consistently stab the user while being toted around in their pocket. This pencil, paired with it's great weight distribution and capped design, makes it the pencil that I carry with me whenever I leave the house. Since it also takes standard, .5 mm lead, the barrel can hold a good amount of the tiny slivers meaning that it is unlikely you will be left high and dry anytime soon.
  3. Field Notes Pencil: With my love for Field Notes, it should be somewhat of a surprise that it took me as long as it did to warm up to these. Especially since, everyone gets one when they purchase a pack directly from Field Notes. These tend to compliment the mechanical Furst. When I need a whiff of real wood and the size of a real pencil, there is one of these within reach at all times.

Remember: every good engineer has an unequivocal, perhaps even irrational love of their favorite pencil.

Oh, and happy fucking 2014, hugs for everyone. Do us a favour and update your copywright footers.