DynaTech Double O Nine

Poodcasts! That's right. A quick run down of what we are meandering about can be found at the Soundcloud page. Also a chance to subscribe to the feed and likely a plethora of other awesome bits.

If for some reason this is the first DynaTech podcast, the TLDR is as follows: It is your's truly and another Dynamo-mate just riffing on the week's technology news. Sometimes there is a smattering of Microsoft cuddles, other times we only care about the money that's flowing around the Valley, and we even dip our toes into gaming here and there.

With the untimely demise of Google Reader, RSS is a shit show so getting your technology news in that manner is worst at best. Simply point your favorite podcaster over our way and bemuse your dinner guests with all your tech knowledged, sponged up from one podcast.

*Dynamo, DynaTech, Cloudbacon, or your's truly are not liable for guests who leave your dinner due to conversation centered around tech news.